It is Official

Okay, so today (October 26) I can start to think about starting to add to my list. I am in transit to Tel Aviv via New York City. I left Chicago early this morning, all full of stuffed crust pizza from Lou Malnati's..... the only way to go. I am not even going to try to get on the Delta flight, I think my seniority is in the middle of the pack so it can be iffy. So I elect to go on Continental via Newark, and I am glad I did because I got a first class seat. That translates into good food and good sleep.
When I wake up we are about to eat breakfast and only one hour from landing in Tel Aviv.
We land on October 27.
I call my cousin Josh and he is surprised to hear from me since I was supposed to arrive 7 hours later. He is in the middle of getting his parents apartment ready for a rental since he and his wife Asya have decided to move to Jerusalem. So I take the train to Rehavot and meet him. I surprise myself with how well I understand Hebrew. I feel like an idiot when I can not really answer back when someone speaks to me, though.

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