THIRTY - The World's Largest Candy Store; Dylan's Candy Bar

Candy. And more candy.

TWENTY NINE - Show on Broadway

Although I have seen a Broadwasy show, I have never seen a show on Broadway. So, standing in line for half-price tickets to see MEMPHIS. Great!
And it wouldn't be a show about Memphis if I did not meet people who were from Memphis. From Memphis who knew some of my family.


From Stages to The Carnegie to Katz's Deli New York City is known for its kosher style delis. Come hungry because you will leave with a doggy bag.
At Katz's Deli, famous line "I'll have what she's having" was made famous in the movie "When Harry Met Sally." Good Eats!

TWENTY SEVEN- The Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands were made famous when Charles Darwin studied the vast number of endemic species . The observations of these endemic species contributed to Darwin's Theory of evolution by natural selection.
The Galapagos Islands are composed up of many islands which are distributed around the equator in the Pacific Ocean. The Islands consists of 15 main islands, 3 smaller islands, and 107 rocks and islets.
From tortoises, to sea lions, to blue-footed boobys, to iquanas, to penquins, and th elist goes on and on. That does not include the marine life, either.